Detour and Derailed

James Siegel
Detour and Derailed
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Derailed The day New York advertising director Charles Schine misses his train is the day that changes his life. Catching the 9.05 instead, he can't help but be drawn by the sight of the person opposite. And though Lucinda is married too, it is immediately apparent that the feeling is mutual. They both know the risks they are taking, but not in their worst nightmares could they foresee what is to follow. Suddenly their illicit liaison becomes caught up in something bigger, more dangerous, more brutally violent. Charles finds himself trapped in a world of dark conspiracy and psychological games - and somehow he's got to find a way to fight back, or his entire life will be spectacularly derailed for good James Siegel has arrived in high style' James Patterson Detour The small girl chasing a pink balloon in Central Park inspired childless Paul and Joanna to adopt - and soon they are travelling to the Santa Regina orphanage in Columbia, to meet their new daughter, Joelle. But Columbia is a dangerous place, particularly for a foreigner with a wife and daughter to protect. Paul suddenly finds himself with eighteen hours to get a deadly consignment to an address in New York.He dare not be
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-7515-4019-2, 9780751540192
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Sphere
Kategoria: Sensacja Thriller


James Siegel James Siegel – amerykański powieściopisarz, autor thrillerów, wiceprezes zarządu agencji reklamowej BBDO. Uzyskał licencjat na York College, obecnie mieszka w Long Island. Na podstawie jego powieści Wykolejony w 2005 roku powstał film o tym samym tyt...

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Wykolejony Thriller.Antologia opowiadań sensacyjnych mistrzów gatunku W matni W żywe oczy Zaklęcia i żarty miłej pani Marty Deceit Detour and Derailed
Wszystkie książki James Siegel

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