August 29, 1994. Belfast. Five masked men brutally murder an RUC SpecialBranch officer in front of his young wife and toddler son. They drive awayas the wife cradles her husband`s body. Two days later, the IRA announcesit is laying down its arms. The armed struggle is over. Present Day. Themen who killed the RUC officer have been released from prison under theGood Friday agreement. And one by one someone is killing them, in exactlythe same way that the RUC officer died. And possibly using his gun.Suspicion falls on the man`s widow. Charlotte Button sends Spiderundercover in Belfast to get close to her. His mission is to find out ofshe is the killer, and, if so, to find the murder weapon. And to make sureshe doesn`t kill again. Little does Button realise that there is an Islamichitman on her trail. A Saudi terrorist has died in the Ukraine, eitherthrough suicide or while under torture. Before he dies, he gets word tohis father, a wealthy Saudi businessmen, that Button and Yokely, anAmerican operative, is behind his death. Yokely tells Spider that he willfind out who the assassin is and then Spider should kill him. But Spiderhas no desire to turn into an assassin