"Crime Reconstruction" is a working guide to the interpretation of physical evidence, designed for the forensic generalist and those with multiple forensic specialties. It was developed to aid these forensic reconstructionists with the formulation of hypotheses and conclusions that stay within the known limits of forensic evidence. "Crime Reconstruction" begins with chapters on the history and ethics of crime reconstruction, and then shifts to the more applied subjects of general reconstruction methods and practice standards. It concludes with chapters on courtroom conduct and evidence admissibility, to prepare forensic reconstructionists for what awaits them when they take the witness stand. "Crime Reconstruction" is a watershed collaborative effort by internationally known, qualified and respected forensic science practitioners with generations of case experience. Forensic pioneers such as John D. DeHaan, John I. Thornton, and W. Jerry Chisum contribute chapters on arson reconstruction, trace evidence interpretation, advanced bloodstain interpretation, and reconstructionist ethics. Other chapters cover the subjects of shooting incident reconstruction, interpreting digital evidence, staged crime scenes, and examiner bias. Rarely have so many forensic giants collaborated, and never before have the natural limits of physical evidence been made so clear. It contains the first practice standards ever published for the reconstruction of crime. It provides a clear ethical canon for the reconstructionist. It includes groundbreaking discussions of examiner bias and observer effects as they impact forensic evidence interpretation. It is ideal for applied courses on the subject of crime reconstruction, as well as those teaching crime reconstruction theory within criminology and criminal justice programs.