
Michał Witkowski
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This well-known handy book explains the provisions of the UK Copyright Act and supporting legislation in quick and easy question-and-answer form. It is a working guide for the practising LIS professional to the intricacies of copyright as it needs to be understood in the context of library and information work, explaining the law in straightforward terms and answering the questions that it is likely to provoke. The EU Copyright Directive has only recently been fully implemented after much delay, and many in the information world are coming to terms with how it is affecting their work. This fully updated edition clarifies the new law and its consequences for the information worker. The book also deals with the latest developments in such areas as case law, licensing agreements, databases and moral rights. Topics now covered in greater depth include copying for commercial use; the meaning of broadcasting and its implications for websites; electronic rights management, including digitization programmes; and changes to educational copyright. The text is complemented by a detailed index that enables the enquirer to pinpoint topics and proposed action quickly and accurately. The appendices lay out the statutory declaration forms, and provide helpful lists of addresses and selected further sources of information. Addressing as it does situations and problems taken from actual working experience, this is an essential practical working tool for all library and information practitioners, managers, policy makers and students who need to identify what can and cannot be done legally.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-85604-508-7, 9781856045087
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Facet Publishing
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Michał Witkowski Michał Witkowski
Urodzony 17 stycznia 1975 roku w Polsce (Wrocław)
Mieszka w Warszawie. Studiował filologię polską, potem pisał doktorat, ale zarzucił pracę naukową i poświęcił się wyłącznie twórczości literackiej. Debiutował zbiorem opowiadań Copyright (wyd. Zielona Sowa, Kraków 2001), następnie wydał powieść Lubi...

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