Captain Vorpatril's Alliance

Lois McMaster Bujold
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Captain Vorpatril's Alliance
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Captain Ivan Vorpatril is happy with his relatively uneventful bachelor's life of a staff officer to a Barrayaran admiral. Ivan, cousin to Imperial troubleshooter Miles Vorkosigan, is not far down the hereditary list for the emperorship. Thankfully, new heirs have directed that headache elsewhere, leaving Ivan to enjoy his life on Komarr, far from the Byzantine court politics of his home system. But when an old friend in Barrayaran intelligence asks Ivan to protect an attractive young woman who may be on the hit list of a criminal syndicate, Ivan's chivalrous nature takes over. It seems danger and adventures have once more found Captain Vorpatril. Tej Arqua and her half-sister and servant Rish are fleeing the violent overthrow of their clan on free-for-all planet Jackson's Whole. Now it seems Tej may possess a hidden secret of which even she may not be aware. It's a secret that could corrupt the heart of a highly regarded Barayarran family and provide the final advantage for the thugs who seek to overthrow Tej's homeworld. But none of Tej's formidable adversaries have counted on Ivan Vorpatril. For behind Ivan's façade of wry and self effacing humor lies a true and cunning protector who will never leave a distressed lady in the lurch—up to and including making the ultimate sacrifice to keep her from harm: the treasured and hardwon freedom from his own fate as a scion of Barrayar.  
Data wydania: 2012-11-06
ISBN: 978-1-4516-3845-5, 9781451638455
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Baen
Cykl: Vorkosigan Saga, tom 14
Stron: 432


Lois McMaster Bujold Lois McMaster Bujold
Urodzona 2 listopada 1949 roku w USA (Columbus, Ohio)
Lois McMaster Bujold (ur. 2 listopada 1949 w Columbus, Ohio) – amerykańska pisarka science fiction i fantasy. Bujold zawdzięcza swoją popularność przede wszystkim cyklowi powieści "Saga Vorkosiganów", nazywanego również "cyklem barrayarskim". Głównym...

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Strzępy honoru Towarzysze broni Stan niewolności Barrayar Granice nieskończoności Klątwa nad Chalionem Paladyn dusz Uczeń wojownika Cetaganda Ethan z planety Athos Gra A civil campaign Diplomatic Immunity Lustrzany taniec Memory Captain Vorpatril's Alliance Cryoburn Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen Komarr Mira's last dance Penric and the Shaman Penric's demon Penric's mission
Wszystkie książki Lois McMaster Bujold

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