Gujarati's Basic Econometrics provides an elementary but comprehensive introduction to econometrics without resorting to matrix algebra, calculus, or statistics beyond the elementary level. Because of the way the book is organized, it may be used at a variety of levels of rigor; for example, the material covered in the appendices may be assigned to students with mathematical bend. More advanced students can study matrix algebra given in Appendix B and can then study the linear regression model using matrix algebra in Appendix C Theoretical exercises marked with asterisks may be covered selectively Gujarati remains accessible to a wide variety of students because it covers the material without excessive mathematical rigor or advanced statistics. A disk of data sets is provided with the text.Basic Econometrics retains its user-friendly approach to the major topics in econometrics. The discussion is technically correct and presents the state of the art. Anyone with a basic understanding of introductory statistics and college level mathematics will be able to understand the topics discussed in the text.Data sets on disk included with book. The data disk contains all numerical data that are included in the chapters to illustrate various econometric techniques as well as the numerical data included in the Problem section of the end of chapter Exercises. All the data are in ASCII format and can be easily imported into statistical packages, such as Minitab, EVIEWS, SHAZAM, LIMDEP, RATS, SPSS, and STATA. This disk therefore allows the students to learn by doing; a critical part of learning econometricsEviews Student software CD that includes the data sets packaged with the text or sold separately.All chapters have been substantially upgraded, with several new illustrative examples.The topic of panel data, which is now used increasingly in applied research is now discussed in a new chapter. Panel data combines data from both cross-section and time series. A chapter now discusses ordinal, nominal and multinomial regression models, which are increasingly being used in research. A new chapter now discusses nonlinear in the parameter regression models. With readily available computer programs it is now easy to estimate such models.The text contains 50 new data sets dealing with actual economic data drawn from both economics and other social sciences. These new data sets will keep the material fresh, and because they are drawn from actual sources, underscore the relevance of the material covered.Extensive information about websites relating to economic data has been added. The Internet is an increasingly important tool in analyzing economic data, and this new feature aids students in doing econometric research via the Web. URL addresses will be cited wherever necessary.Additional coverage of time series The two chapters on time series econometrics are rewritten to make them less technical. Also, several time series data are discussed in these chapters.