At the Same Time

Susan Sontag
At the Same Time
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Literature and politics are inextricably intertwined and unified by moral purpose in this powerful collection of pieces (a couple not previously published in English or at all) by iconic critic and novelist Sontag (Regarding the Pain of Others), who died in 2004. Sontag was a dedicated champion of literature in translation, and the book opens with several introductions to such works, led off by a meditation on beauty. The section might have been called "Art and Ardor," so laced is it with artistic passion, both Sontag's own and that of the writers she celebrates, such as Leonid Tsypkin and Anna Banti. Part three contains speeches Sontag gave in accepting the Jerusalem Prize and other awards, and honoring others whose moral courage she admired. But most striking is to re-read the pieces she wrote in the wake of 9/11 and the Abu Ghraib scandal, which constitute the book's middle section. Sontag's controversial attack on the Bush administration immediately after 9/11 may have been an act of courage or of folly, but from a distance of five years, her critique seems on the mark. Sontag's brilliance as a literary critic, her keen analytical skill and her genius for the searingly apt phrase (like her damning "the photographs are us" in relation to the Abu Ghraib photos) are all fiercely displayed here.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-312-42671-2, 9780312426712
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Picador


Susan Sontag Susan Sontag
Urodzona 16 stycznia 1933 roku w USA (Nowy Jork)
Amerykańska pisarka, eseistka, krytyczka społeczna i aktywistka praw człowieka. Jej książki przetłumaczono na ponad 30 języków. Jedna z najważniejszych intelektualistek dwudziestego wieku. Jej znakiem rozpoznawczym były zawsze niezależność myśli i ...

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O fotografii W Ameryce Choroba jako metafora. AIDS i jego metafory Dzienniki 1947–1963. Tom 1 Miłośnik wulkanów Pod znakiem Saturna At the Same Time Co ważne Dzienniki 1964–1980. Tom 2 In America Kilka uwag o emancypacji Myśl to forma odczuwania Notes on Camp On Photography Przeciw interpretacji i inne eseje Style radykalnej woli Widok cudzego cierpienia Zestaw do śmierci
Wszystkie książki Susan Sontag

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