So useful for students and teachers of plant sciences who want to look beyond the basics on amino acid metabolism found in text books. For them it is highly recommended.' G. Sandmann, Journal of Plant Physiology 'The title of this symposium volume does not do complete justice to the contents, since topics covered include betaines, polyamines, cyanogenic glyocides and glucosinolates as well as amino acids ... In summary, this is a valuable addition to the literature on nitrogen metabolism and at GBP40.00 is not unreasonable priced by today's standards.' Jeffrey B. Harborne, Phytochemistry 'Dr Wallsgrove should be congratulated on putting together an excellent book that will be of considerable value to final year undergraduates and all research workers with an interest in the field.' P. J. Lea, Annals of Botany 'This book is recommended strongly to the workers in the area of plant sciences, especially those working in the area of nitrogen metabolism