This immersive in-world guide based on the highly popular Supernatural television show reveals the strengths, weaknesses, secrets of the deadly ghosts, demons, angels, and creatures that the Winchest...
Living in the war-ravaged realm of Eberron, assassin-turned-priest DiranBastiaan and his half-orc sidekick, Ghaji, make an unlikely pair. Onelooks like the stuff of nightmares, while the other is " a ...
A mysterious creature stalks the streets of Portland, looking for a new identity. With one touch it can dissolve its victim, assuming their appearance, personality, and memories. When Portland homicid...
The concluding volume in Waggoners critically acclaimed Blade of the Flameseries that follows a former assassin trying to change his life and setthe world to right.
Diran used to make his living as an assassin --- one of the best moneycould buy. But after a life-altering spiritual experience, he's turned hisback on killing. All he wants is peace. But in a shoddy ...