Ryder Windham

Autor 2 czytelników
Zostań fanem autora:
8 /10
1 ocena z 1 książki,
przez 1 kanapowicza


Star Wars. Kompendium
Star Wars. Kompendium
Patricia Barr, Adam Bray, Daniel Wallace, Ryder Windham

Kompendium Star Wars? to wszechstronne i niezwykle szczegółowe źródło wiedzy dla każdego fana gwiezdnej sagi. Swym zakresem obejmuje całą ?odległą galaktykę?, wszystkich bohaterów, stworzenia, miejsca...

Assault on Yavin Four
Assault on Yavin Four
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 1

The first Death Star has been destroyed. But the Empire remains. An Imperial cruiser has landed on Yavin Four. The Rebel base is threatened. Your mission: to prevent the assault on Yavin Four…at any c...

Attack on Delrakkin
Attack on Delrakkin
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 3

Imperial troops are bombarding the planet of Delrakkin—disguised as Rebel forces! The Empire wants the Rebel Alliance to be blamed for the attack. The Rebels must stop this evil deception. Your missio...

Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids
Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 11

You are a bounty hunter. You are engaged in a fight to the death against a lethal squadron of battle droids. The droids' leader, Wuntoo Forcee Forwun, will stop at nothing in his quest to rule the gal...

Bounty on Bonadan
Bounty on Bonadan
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 19

You are a bounty hunter. The Empire has hired you to track down an Imperial engineer who has been arrested by the deadly Corporate Sector Authority security police. If you rescue the prisoner, you wil...

Darth Vader's Return
Darth Vader's Return
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 17

Darth Vader has returned to Coruscant after the destruction of the first Death Star. There, he discovers his next mission. In the days before Grand Moff Tarkin's death, Tarkin recorded a top secret ho...

Destroy the Liquidator
Destroy the Liquidator
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 4

The Imperial Star Destroyer Liquidator is quickly approaching the Rebel base on Yavin Four. It is part of an Imperial plan to control hyperspace—and crush the Rebellion. To prevent the Empire from car...

Escape from Thyferra
Escape from Thyferra
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 2

The Rebel forces have found an Imperial conspiracy involving contaminated bacta, a deadly substance that can poison entire planets. In order to stop the Empire, the Rebels travel to Thyferra…where the...

Festival of Warriors
Festival of Warriors
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Episode I Adventures, tom 10

The Festival of Warriors is the most challenging athletic competition in Otoh Gunga. Hundreds of Gungans, including Boss Nass and Jar Jar Binks, participate in its main event, the Big Nasty Free-For-A...

Fire Ring Race
Fire Ring Race
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Adventures in Hyperspace, tom 1

Before they joined the Rebellion against the Empire, the pilot Han Solo and his co-pilot Chewbacca made their living by transporting cargo across the galaxy in the Millennium Falcon. But when Jabba th...

Galactic Crisis
Galactic Crisis
Ryder Windham

Stunning photographs combine with lively illustrations and engaging, age-appropriate stories to capture children's interest while developing their reading skills and general knowledge.

Gwiezdne Wojny Komiks 2/1999
Gwiezdne Wojny Komiks 2/1999
Ryder Windham, Darko Macan, Timothy Truman ...
Cykl: Gwiezdne Wojny Komiks, tom 2

Historie: -Anakin Skywalker -Misja Lorda Vadera (cz. II) -Jix - Agent Imperium (cz. I)

Hunt the Sun Runner
Hunt the Sun Runner
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Adventures, tom 1

When a legendary spacecraft appears, the planet Fondor and its moon, Nallastia, are on the verge of civil war to claim ownership. Only the Jedi Knights can solve the conflict and bring order back to t...

Jango Fett vs. The Razor Eaters
Jango Fett vs. The Razor Eaters
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Adventures, tom 4

Count Dooku has discovered a conspiracy that he wants stopped. He knows just the bounty hunter to stop it. Jango Fett. May the Force be with you.

Jedi Emergency
Jedi Emergency
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Episode I Adventures, tom 4

A young girl has been found who has the power to become a Jedi. But an evil scientist doesn't want to let her go. And her home is under attack by Bartokk Assassins. Yoda, Mace Windu, and the other J...

Pirates from Beyond the Sea
Pirates from Beyond the Sea
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Episode I Adventures, tom 11

Space pirates have attacked the Gungans' sacred place, hijacking ancient statues and threatening to sell them to the highest bidder. They have also taken Rep Teers hostage. Only a small band of Gungan...

Pojedynek na strzaskanej skale
Pojedynek na strzaskanej skale
Ryder Windham

Jest to trzecia część z serii ,,Tajne misje" po ,,Oddziale Breakout" i ,,Klątwie Piratów". Kiedy młody Jedi Nuru Kungurama i klony z oddziału Breakout opuścili Przestrzeń Chissów, otrzymali nowe rozka...

Rescue in the Core
Rescue in the Core
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Episode I Adventures, tom 9

Jar Jar Binks is in trouble. He is clumsy, and he just caused a big accident. He is being taken to the Quarry, a spooky fortress that few prisoners have survived. Along the way, the bongo carrying Jar...

Revolt of the Battle Droids
Revolt of the Battle Droids
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 9

You are an Imperial soldier. A revolt has begun on Boonda the Hutt's moon. The leader of the revolution is the devious droid Wuntoo Forcee Forwun. His army is made up of hundreds of droids... and they...

Rogue Squadron to the Rescue
Rogue Squadron to the Rescue
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 18

The Empire has seized a Corellian Action IV bulk freighter. As a member of Rogue Squadron, you must find out why the Imperial forces have taken the vessel. Then you must stop them. Your mission: to fr...

Search for the Lost Jedi
Search for the Lost Jedi
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Episode I Adventures, tom 1

A Jedi Master is missing. She is trapped in a hostile fortress. Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and their fellow Jedi are her only hope. The rescue has begun.

Shinbone Showdown
Shinbone Showdown
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Adventures in Hyperspace, tom 2

After transporting rude aliens and unusual plants for Jabba Desilijic Tiure the Hutt, Han and Chewbacca are in the mood for an easy job. But after Jabba sends them to the mining planet Shinbone for de...

Showdown in Mos Eisley
Showdown in Mos Eisley
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Missions, tom 10

You are a swoop biker working for Jabba the Hutt. Your base is a cantina in Mos Eisley, one of the most dangerous spaceport cities in the galaxy. And now things have become even more dangerous. Battle...

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Episode V
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Episode V
Ryder Windham

Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker. Father vs. son. An amazing all-new novelization that will tie in with the blockbuster classic Star Wars DVD release.

Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope
Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope
Ryder Windham

Luke Skywalker. Han Solo. Princess Leia. The beginning of the Star Wars saga, in an amazing all-new novelization that will tie in with the blockbuster classic Star Wars DVD release.

Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi
Ryder Windham

The Emperor. The Ewoks. Jabba the Hutt. The climactic lightsaber battle . . . an amazing all-new novelization tying into the massive DVD release of the classic Star Wars movies.

Star Wars Journey Through the Space
Star Wars Journey Through the Space
Ryder Windham

Exciting, fact-packed stories in this Star Wars DK Reader encourage and engage children who are starting to read alone. Part of a multilevel reading programme, this Level 2 DK Reader is intended to ma...

Star Wars Komiks. Wydanie Specjalne 4/2012
Star Wars Komiks. Wydanie Specjalne 4/2012
Ryder Windham, Pop Mhan
Cykl: Star Wars Komiks. Wydanie Specjalne, tom 15

Star Wars Komiks - wydanie specjalne 4/2012 to piętnasty numer kwartalnika ukazującego się nakładem wydawnictwa Egmont. Ukaże się on 4 grudnia 2012 roku, w cenie 9,99 PLN. Zeszyt zawierać będzie histo...

Star Wars Rebels: Ezra's Gamble
Star Wars Rebels: Ezra's Gamble
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Star Wars Rebels, tom 1

Fourteen year-old Ezra Bridger lives alone on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal. He fends for himself by picking up odd jobs and hustling the unsuspecting Stormtrooper. But when Arena Day arrives - an un...

Star Wars Wielki Ilustrowany Przewodnik
Star Wars Wielki Ilustrowany Przewodnik
Ryder Windham

Od lat "Gwiezdne wojny" przenosiły miłośników kina do odległej galaktyki. Filmowe trylogie stały się fenomenem kulturowym, a ich popularność zaowocowała obfitością powieści, komiksów i gier komputero...

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