The discovery of the structure of DNA, the unique code that shapes human genes was made by Francis Crick and James Watson. The Double Helix reveals the excitement of the Nobel Prizewinning Crick and W...
Mastering Electronics is a complete, self-contained course for individual study or classroom use, which covers the subject from first principles in an accessible style. The fourth edition has been bro...
This is a comprehensive exam prep from Oracle Press. This Oracle Press certification exam guide offers detailed coverage of all of the official exam objectives on the Oracle Certified Associate Admini...
This new book by Jean Watson, a highly regarded visionary of nursing theory, reestablishes the critical balance between caring and curing. This theory blends the technical aspects of modern medicine w...
This is the authoritative introduction to the concepts and techniques of recombinant DNA research and their dramatic results. The book explores core concepts in molecular biology in a contemporary inq...
Strategy, Second Edition, is a thorough revision and update of one of the most successful Game Theory texts available. Known for its accurate and simple-yet-thorough presentation, Joel Watson has refi...
This text covers the basic concepts and insights of game theory and offers classic examples and applications in a concise format. It provides a serious treatment of contract - an important, but often ...