They live among us, slaves to the very condition that empowers them. They are the Vampyre, and their sole chance at survival lies in banding into Clans. Only Joe Pitt has gone his own way. The upside ...
Those stories you hear? The ones about things that only come out at night? Things that feed on blood, feed on us? Got news for you: they're true. Only it's not like the movies or old man Stoker's stor...
Something's rotten in the Big Apple… There's a new problem on the streets of Joe Pitt's neighbourhood, a new danger for the Vampyre Clans of New York City. A vicious new high that a Vampyre can spik...
Skinner, przez dwanaście lat trzymany w zamknięciu przez swoich rodziców ? szalonych naukowców, wyrasta na doskonałego zabójcę. Pozbawiony emocji i uczuć, kierujący się wyłącznie logiką i żądzą przetr...