G. D. Falksen

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A Cautionary Tale for Young Vampires
A Cautionary Tale for Young Vampires
G. D. Falksen
Cykl: The Ouroboros Cycle, tom 2

The year is 1888 and a madman is terrorizing the East End of London. But Doctor Varanus Shashavani has far more pressing concerns to worry about than a lunatic in Whitechapel. Her charitable hospital ...

A Long-Awaited Treachery
A Long-Awaited Treachery
G. D. Falksen
Cykl: The Ouroboros Cycle, tom 3

For a thousand years, the immortal Shashavani have hidden from the world in the halls of their mountain fortress, amassing great stores of knowledge in a haven of academic tranquility. And while Docto...

A Monster's Coming of Age Story
A Monster's Coming of Age Story
G. D. Falksen
Cykl: The Ouroboros Cycle, tom 1

How far would you go to avenge the one you love? Would you go beyond death? Born into the stifling confines of French upper society, Babette Varanus never thought that she would have to answer that q...

A Sojourn in Bohemia
A Sojourn in Bohemia
G. D. Falksen
Cykl: The Ouroboros Cycle, tom 4

It is 1899, and Doctor Varanus is in Prague with her mentor Iosef, both still recovering from the scars of the Shashavani civil war. Iosef has found a reprieve from grief in the study of the so-called...

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