This edition collects the bizarre adventures of Animal Man, a second-rate super hero struggling with real-life issues and moral dilemmas. Buddy Baker is a caring husband, devoted father, animal activi...
The second collection of Grant Morrison's groundbreaking run on ANIMAL MAN reprints issues #10-17, plus the 19-page story from SECRET ORIGINS #39, this volume shows Animal Man moving more and more dee...
After a bizarre incident with an alien spacecraft, Buddy Baker, married father of two, suddenly gained the power to temporarily duplicate the abilities of any creature within his imediate vicinity Edi...
Pierwsze polskie wydanie wszystkich przygód Animal Mana ze scenariuszami Granta Morrisona. Słynny dziś Szkot na początku swojej amerykańskiej kariery w latach 80. XX wieku całkowicie odmienił wizer...