Jean Adamson
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Jean Adamson

Autorka, 97 lat
Urodzona 29 lutego 1928 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (Peckham)
Jean Adamson studiowała grafikę na londyńskim uniwersytecie, a po studiach sama została jednym z pracowników naukowych uniwersytetu.

W roku 1957 wzięła ślub z Garethem Adamsonem, z którym przeprowadziła się do Newcastle. Wspólnie zaczęli tworzyć książki dla dzieci z serii Tosia i Tymek. Gareth Adamson zmarł w 1982 roku. Razem z Jean mieli trójkę dzieci. Po śmierci męża kobieta sama kontynuowała tworzenie książek i ilustracji.

W 2009 roku Jean Adamson została napadnięta i obrabowana podczas spaceru, po tym incydencie trafiła do szpitala ze złamaną ręką. Miała wówczas 81 lat.

W 2016 r. Jean Adamson została honorowym członkiem Goldsmiths College.


Busy Builders
Busy Builders
Jean Adamson, Gareth Adamson

Topsy and Tim have all sorts of fun adventures. Read all about them in the Topsy and Tim Storybooks.

Car Games
Car Games
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim have to go on a long car journey to their granny's. But they don't get bored - they are busy playing all sorts of travel games. They play I-spy, car bingo, pulling funny faces and lots o...

Chalkboard Drawing
Chalkboard Drawing
Jean Adamson, Gareth Adamson

Topsy and Tim are learning to draw all their favourite things. Follow the lines and fill in the colours to make your own pictures again and again.

Have Chickenpox
Have Chickenpox
Jean Adamson

Poor Topsy and Tim catch chicken pox, so they have to stay in bed and try not to scratch their itchy red spots! Their friend Kerry brings them some calamine lotion which makes them feel much better, a...

Jigsaw Counting
Jigsaw Counting
Jean Adamson, Gareth Adamson

Topsy and Tim have found lots of great things to count. Press out all the jigsaw pieces and fit them together in a line to make your own number jigsaw.

Learn abc
Learn abc
Jean Adamson, Gareth Adamson

Learn abc is ideal helping young children learn names and sounds. Simple rhyming text and clear illustrations combine with the magic of Topsy and Tim to make the alphabet fun.

Little Shoppers
Little Shoppers
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim help Mum and Dad with the shopping. Another fun and colourful Topsy and Tim storybook

Look After Their Pets
Look After Their Pets
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim have lots of pets to care for, including a mouse, a goldfish, a cat and some rabbits. They learn it's a big job to feed them all and look after them properly.

New Baby
2 wydania
New Baby
Jean Adamson, Marie Birkinshaw

Children will love the fun and colour of New Baby from Ladybird's toddler talk range. It is ideal to share with a child preparing to meet a new brother or sister. Then have fun finding objects from th...

New Lunchboxes
New Lunchboxes
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim are going to stay for lunch at playgroup for the first time. This means they can have new lunch boxes, and they can bake some cookies to go in them. When it comes to lunchtime they are v...

Red Boots, Yellow Boots
Red Boots, Yellow Boots
Gareth Adamson, Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim have all sorts of fun adventures. Read all about them in the Topsy and Tim Storybooks.

The Big Surprise
The Big Surprise
Jean Adamson, Gareth Adamson

Topsy and Tim have all sorts of fun adventures. Read all about them in the Topsy and Tim Storybooks.

Topsy and Tim
Topsy and Tim
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim go to the beach and play with their buckets and spades. Another fun and colourful Topsy and Tim storybook.

Topsy and Tim Go on an Aeroplane
Topsy and Tim Go on an Aeroplane
Jean Adamson

Going on holiday is exciting, and even getting there can be fun! Share Topsy and Tim's aeroplane adventure as they meet the stewardess, the pilot, learn all about the airport and discover that sucking...

Topsy and Tim Go to Hospital
Topsy and Tim Go to Hospital
Jean Adamson

Tim has fallen out of a tree and bumped his head. Going to hospital's a bit worrying but he soon finds out how nice the doctors and nurses are, and there are lots of other children on the ward to play...

Topsy and Tim Go to the Doctor
Topsy and Tim Go to the Doctor
Jean Adamson

Tim wakes up with a sore throat and so it's time to visit the Doctor. Dr Sims looks in his mouth, listens to his chest and soon knows what's wrong. Tim goes home with a bottle of medicine to make him ...

Topsy and Tim Go to the Park
Topsy and Tim Go to the Park
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim Learnabout Storybooks Mini hardback storybooks dealing with real-life issues that Topsy and Tim experience in a fun and reassuring way. Age: up to 4 years.

Topsy and Tim Go to the Zoo
Topsy and Tim Go to the Zoo
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim love the zoo and want to bring all the animals home with them! But Dad explains that polar bears are too fierce and sea lions might eat their goldfish so the twins are happy to leave the...

Topsy and Tim Have A Birthday Party
Topsy and Tim Have A Birthday Party
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim Learnabout Storybooks Mini hardback storybooks dealing with real-life issues that Topsy and Tim experience in a fun and reassuring way. Age: up to 4 years.

Topsy and Tim Have Itchy Heads
Topsy and Tim Have Itchy Heads
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim have itchy heads. Another topical and colourful Topsy and Tim storybook .

Topsy and Tim Learn to Swim
Topsy and Tim Learn to Swim
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim Learnabout Storybooks Mini hardback storybooks dealing with real-life issues that Topsy and Tim experience in a fun and reassuring way. Age: up to 4 years.

Topsy and Tim Meet the Firefighters
Topsy and Tim Meet the Firefighters
Jean Adamson

At the fire station's open day Topsy and Tim learn all about the the firefighters and how they help us. There are lots of exciting things to discover on the fire engine and all the fun of watching the...

Topsy and Tim Meet the Police
Topsy and Tim Meet the Police
Jean Adamson

What do the Police do? Catch burglars and find lost children according to Topsy and Tim. When PC Webb and WPC May visit, the twins find out all about the Police and how they help us. They learn about ...

Topsy and Tim Start School
Topsy and Tim Start School
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim Learnabout Storybooks Mini hardback storybooks dealing with real-life issues that Topsy and Tim experience in a fun and reassuring way. Age: up to 4 years.

Topsy and Tim at the Farm
Topsy and Tim at the Farm
Jean Adamson

Topsy and Tim Learnabout Storybooks Mini hardback storybooks dealing with real-life issues that Topsy and Tim experience in a fun and reassuring way. Age: up to 4 years.

2 wydania
Gareth Adamson, Jean Adamson

Ladybird's outstanding book and tape range is an ideal introduction to reading and listening for young children- and lots of fun! Children will be learning as they read the books and listen and sing a...

Tosia i Tymek dbają o swoje zwierzęta
Tosia i Tymek dbają o swoje zwierzęta
Gareth Adamson, Jean Adamson

Co zrobić, kiedy maluch boi się lecieć samolotem? Jak mu pomóc, gdy ma ospę i czuje się najbardziej samotnym chorym na świecie? Najlepszym sposobem na zaradzenie wszystkim smutkom i wątpliwościom jest...

Tosia i Tymek i małe dziecko
Tosia i Tymek i małe dziecko
Gareth Adamson, Jean Adamson

Najlepszym sposobem na zaradzenie wszystkim smutkom i wątpliwościom jest oczywiście lektura książeczek o przygodach Tosi i Tymka. Tosia i Tymek to bliźnięta, które z humorem wprowadzą Wasze maluchy w ...

Tosia i Tymek idą do dentysty
Tosia i Tymek idą do dentysty
Gareth Adamson, Jean Adamson

Najlepszym sposobem na zaradzenie wszystkim smutkom i wątpliwościom jest oczywiście lektura książeczek o przygodach Tosi i Tymka. Tosia i Tymek to bliźnięta, które z humorem wprowadzą Wasze maluchy w ...

Tosia i Tymek idą do parku
Tosia i Tymek idą do parku
Jean Adamson, Gareth Adamson

Co zrobić, kiedy maluch boi się lecieć samolotem? Jak mu pomoc, gdy ma ospę i czuje się najbardziej samotnym chorym na świecie? Najlepszym sposobem na zaradzenie wszystkim smutkom i wątpliwościom jest...

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