You Slay Me

Katie MacAlister
You Slay Me
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The first book in a sexy, humorous paranormal thriller series featuring Aisling Grey, an apprentice Guardian, and her sometimes boyfriend, sometimes foe Drake Vireo, wyvern (leader) of one of the four dragon septs. Aisling finds her true calling when she travels to Paris to deliver a medieval object that is part of a set sought after for the power it wields. There she meets the handsome Drake, a man who is not at all what he seems. Implicated in the circumstances of two murders, Aisling, the demon she summons for help (and subsequently can’t get rid of) named Jim, and Drake find themselves caught up in a web of lies and confusion that could well result in the demon lords of hell ruling the mortal world.
Data wydania: 2004-09-07
ISBN: 0-451-41152-8, 0451411528
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Onyx Books
Stron: 342


Katie MacAlister Katie MacAlister
Urodzona w 1964 roku w USA (Seattle)
Jest autorką powieści i non-fiction z Seattle. Jej najpopularniejsze tytuły to romans historyczny, współczesny i paranormalny. Pisze także książki dla młodzieży pod pseudonimem Katie Maxwell i pod pseudonimem Kate Marsh.

Pozostałe książki:

A Girls Guide To Vampires Crouching Vampire, Hidden Fang Me and My Shadow Playing with Fire Sex And The Single Vampire Sex, Lies and Vampires Steamed Up In Smoke You Slay Me Zen and the Art of Vampires
Wszystkie książki Katie MacAlister

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