X-Factor. Volume 16: Together Again For The First Time

Peter David, Neil Edwards, Leonard Kirk
X-Factor. Volume 16: Together Again For The First Time
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As Havok and Polaris take the reins of X-Factor Investigations, the Isolationist makes his chilling return! Then, when someone or something begins eviscerating super heroes in Seattle, X-Factor is called in to investigate. But when they encounter the villainous Scattershot, who looks suspiciously like two members of X-Factor Investigations, Shatterstar goes berserk! ('Nuff said!) Plus: Monet calls out Layla, and what starts as a catfight rapidly gets ugly! And a departed member of X-Factor returns! Collecting X-Factor 233-236, Wolverine (1988) 54  
Data wydania: 2017-11-07
ISBN: 0-7851-6063-9, 0785160639
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Marvel Comics
Cykl: X-Factor, tom 16
Kategoria: Komiks


Peter David Peter David
Urodzony 23 września 1956 roku w USA (Fort Meade)
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