First published in 1971, "Vietnam Inc." was crucial in changing publicattitudes in the United States, turning the tide of opinion, and ultimatelyputting an end to the Vietnam War. Philip Jones Griffiths' classic accountof the war was the outcome of three years reporting, and is one of the mostdetailed surveys of any conflict. Showing us the true horrors of the war aswell as a study of Vietnamese folk life, the author creates a compellingargument against the de-humanizing power of technology, and highlights thearrogance and hypocrisy of American imperialistic attitudes. Rare andhighly sought-after, the book has become one of the enduring classics ofphotojournalism. This new edition is a careful recreation of the original,with Philip Jones Griffiths' personal layouts and commentaries, andincludes a foreword by Noam Chomsky, who was profoundly affected by thebook when it was originally published and now pays tribute to its power andimportance in the new edition.