Vicious Circle

Robert Littell
Vicious Circle
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An Israeli government minister is assassinated in the home of his mistress. Leading the Palestinian assassination team is Dr. Ishmael al-Shaath, a half-blind Palestinian doctor imprisoned by the Israelis for years for crimes he did not commit. Days later, Elihu, an aging and decorated Mossad officer, leads his final raid, killing a Hamas leader in his bed--and barely escaping with his life. Out of this familiarly cyclical scenario emerges what is perhaps Robert Littell's most heartfelt and suspenseful novel. Isaac Apfelbaum, a well-known fundamentalist Rabbi, is taken hostage by Dr. al-Saath, who demands the release of several Palestinian prisoners in exchange for his prisoner. As Israel coaxes Elihu out of retirement to hunt down the terrorist who motivated his final mission, al-Saath and Apfelbaum find themselves building an extraordinary relationship between hostage taker and hostage: parallels between these two battle-hardened partisans become the bonds that could lead to reconciliation. But with Elihu's Mossad strike team closing in and a peace treaty at stake, has the vicious circle already been closed? Ferociously suspenseful and brilliantly topical, Vicious Circle is a thriller that, like The Company before it, breaks down an entire culture of violence into the corrupted consciences that embody it.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-14-311266-2, 9780143112662
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Penguin Books


Robert Littell
Urodzony 8 stycznia 1935 roku w USA
Robert Littell - amerykański pisarz, autor powieści kryminalnych i sensacyjnych. Ojciec Jonathana. Urodził się na Brooklynie w żydowskiej rodzinie polskiego pochodzenia. W 1956 ukończył studia na Alfred University, służył w U.S. Navy. Przez wiele la...

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