Historically, organizations have been motivated by profit, pure and simple. However, with ethical considerations now on boards' agendas, motivation is turning away from pure profit to value. The value of an organization differs for each stakeholder, whose quest for conventional profit is hard to reconcile with diverse expectations. Paul Kerns now provides the theory and practice to achieve this goal, with a unique emphasis on the human dimension. Our market system has evolved in line with capitalist philosophy, and at its heart is profit. But while profit can be a powerful motive, it is not always used responsibly and, in the worst cases, this can have damaging effects at a wider level. The calls for a corporate conscience grow louder, but no one has yet suggested an alternative to profit that people find as compelling. Profit is here and now. In this climate, the solution is to refine the profit motive, not replace it. We all value things, and we're all motivated by what we value. If value could replace the profit motive, it would reconcile the interests of CEOs, shareholders, citizens and government. Profits would still rise but at the same time society would gain value. This book is a call to manage for maximum value - to follow The Value Motive.