* Chapter 1. Introduction to EViews. * Chapter 2. The Si8mple Linear regression Model. * Chapter 3. Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing. * Chapter 4. Prediction, Goodness-of-Fit and Modeling Issues. * Chapter 5. the Multiple Regression Model. * Chapter 6. Further Inference in the Multiple Regression Model. * Chapter 7. Nonlinear Relationships. * Chapter 8. Heteroskedasticity. * Chapter 9. Dynamic Models, Autocorrelation, and Forecasting. * Chapter 10. Random Regressors and Moment Based Estimation. * Chapter 1. Simultaneous Equations Models. * Chapter 12. Nonstationary Time Series Data and Cointegration. * Chapter 13. VEC and VAR Models: An Introduction to Macroeconometrics. * Chapter 14. Time-Varying Volatility and ARCH Models: An Introduction to Financial Econometrics. * Chapter 15. Panel Data Models. * Chapter 16. Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variables. * Chapter 17. Importing and Exporting Data. * Appendix A. Review of Math Essentials. * Appendix V. Statistical Distribution Functions. * Appendix C. review of Statistical Inference. * Index.