Urological Tests in Clinical Practice

P. Rao
Urological Tests in Clinical Practice
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This concise pocket guide to urological investigative procedures reviews the indications and pitfalls of tests before they are requested and suggests which investigations should be performed in individual urological conditions. Part I describes principles, methodology, advantages and disadvantages of each investigation and covers all urological investigations/tests from simple X-ray of the abdomen (KUB) to PET scanning. Part II offers advice on the choice of investigations for individual urological conditions. For each investigation in Part I and urological condition in Part II, important bullet points are highlighted in a 'box' - useful during a busy ward round, out-patient clinic, or for last-minute consultation prior a viva examination. This comprehensive yet easy-to-read hadbook is aimed at urological trainees, urology nurse specialists, recently qualified junior urologists as well as practicing urologists as part of review and audit of practices.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-84628-390-1, 9781846283901
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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