Under New Management

Burkus David
Under New Management
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Nearly 70 per cent of employees in the UK aren't performing at their full potential. At the roots of this problem are the policies and systems built to 'manage' these employees, which were designed for a different era - the industrial economy. In the tradition of Jim Collins' bestselling Good to Great, in Under New Management David Burkus, psychologist, professor of management at the College of Business at Oral Roberts University and author of The Myth of Creativity, shines a light on the companies that are experimenting with new and different models and policies for leading teams and managing people. From Amazon to Virgin, Volkswagen to Whole Foods, these companies have developed a new set of best practices that may look counter-intuitive, but have become an integral part of what makes them so high-performing, and that have established employee engagement and customer loyalty. The purpose of this book and its research is to challenge you and your company on whether the time has come to re-examine some of the most fundamental concepts in management today. The business of business is all about change and keeping up with the latest trends. Here's your chance to see for yourself what kinds of management changes you should be thinking of.
ISBN: 978-1-5098-0173-2, 9781509801732
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: PAN MACMILLAN

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