"I am pleased to strongly recommend this excellent book, A Trader's Money Management System. If you are picking up this book, congratulations, since you have taken the first steps in following in the footsteps (by using proper money management) of successful traders." --Steve Nison, President, Candlecharts.com, and author of Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques "Bennett McDowell demystifies money management for traders in his new book. With these simple, time-tested strategies, a trader will decrease the time it will take to become profitable." --Adrienne Toghraie, President, TradingOnTarget.com "Bennett McDowell does traders a HUGE favor in this valuable book by emphasizing the extreme importance of risk control and its vital place in a sound trading plan. Further, he provides knowledge of and access to specific tools, which enable the trader to implement his ideas simply and effectively. His simple straightforward treatment of a complex and often boring subject is a breath of fresh air and a worthwhilecontribution to this important element so crucial to the achievement of successful trading results." --Edward D. Dobson, President, Traders Press Inc.