The 3rd Edition is the most authoritative and up-to-date collection of material from the fields of anesthesia, pulmonary medicine, thoracic surgery, critical care medicine, and pharmacology to present a complete clinical picture. This multi-author work edited by renowned authorities encompasses all aspects of thoracic anesthesia including respiratory physiology, pulmonary transplantation, postoperative pain, and complications. It offers information on the latest techniques and equipment used in intraoperative monitoring, endobronchial intubation, tracheostomy, and mechanical ventilation.*Features the work of acknowledged experts in their respective areas.*Presents a comprehensive, international, and multidisciplinary picture of thoracic anesthesia. *Covers every phase of the anesthetist's responsibilities-from the preoperative assessment of the patient, through intraoperative anesthesia and monitoring, to postoperative management in the intensive care unit.