The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology

Alan Carr, Muireann Mcnulty
The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology
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The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology provides a reliable source of guidance on the full range of issues associated with conducting evidence based practice in adult mental health. Topics covered include:

general frameworks for practice: classification and epidemiology; CBT, psychodynamic, systemic and bio-medical models; general assessment procedures

mood problems: depression, bipolar disorder and managing suicide risk

anxiety problems: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, PTSD and social phobia

physical health problems: somatoform disorders, chronic pain, adjustment to cancer, eating disorders and substance abuse

other psychological difficulties: schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, psychological problems in older adults, anger management and depersonalization disorder.

Each chapter includes useful skill building exercises, summaries of the issues covered, suggested further reading lists for both psychologists and patients, and case material.

This practical Handbook will prove invaluable to clinical psychologists in training, helping them to build the necessary skills to complete a clinical placement in the field of adult mental health.

The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology is one of a set of three handbooks published by Routledge, which includes The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology (by Alan Carr) and The Handbook of Intellectual Disability and Clinical Psychology Practice (Edited by Alan Carr, Gary O’Reilly, Patricia Noonan Walsh and John McEvoy).
Data wydania: 2006-09-01
ISBN: 978-1-58391-854-8, 9781583918548
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge
Kategoria: Psychologia
Stron: 1096


Alan Carr Alan Carr is the director of the Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology at University College Dublin and Consultant Psychologist and Family Therapist at the Clanwilliam Institute Dublin.

Pozostałe książki:

Psychologia pozytywna. Nauka o szczęściu i ludzkich siłach Depresja i próby samobójcze młodzieży Program profilaktyki szkolnej w zakresie AIDS i chorób przenoszonych drogą płciową Ruchome protezy częściowe The Handbook of Adult Clinical Psychology
Wszystkie książki Alan Carr

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