Sulfuric Acid Manufacture

G. Davenport
Sulfuric Acid Manufacture
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Presents a considerable amount of industrial plant data to support the text. Sulfuric acid has a wide variety of applications from phosphate fertilizer production, explosives, glue, to wood preservatives, and lead-acid batteries. It is also an exceptionally corrosive and dangerous acid, with extreme environmental and health hazards if not manufactured, used, and regulated properly. While keeping the important topics of safety and regulation at the forefront, this practical text overviews and analyzes the process of sulfuric acid manufacture, focusing first on the chemical plant processes involved in industrial acidmaking, then moving on to its mathematical analysis. Both Authors bring years of hands-on knowledge and experience to the work - with considerable data input from the authors' industrial colleagues - making it an exceptional reference for anyone involved in sulfuric acid research and/or manufacture.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-08-044428-4, 9780080444284
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Elsevier Science Publishers

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