This text provides educators with practical interventions grounded in best practice that work with the most challenging students. Effective Classroom Practices covers assessment for eligibility, instructional planning and management, and best practices in the prevention and management of student problem behavior at the school, classroom and individual level. Interventions for Specific Populations examines students with EBD teachers are likely to encounter in the classroom with ADHD, disruptive behavior disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, and other disorders of childhood and adolescence. Consultation and Collaboration explores the role of the EBD teacher as a collaborative partner, working with families and other professionals.Aligned with Council of Exceptional Children standards for special educators and Praxis II content areas-Appendix C provides a crosswalk that ties relevant standards to chapter content, extension activities, and case studies. Allows instructors to develop course syllabi that match relevant standards and assessment content. Each chapter includes introductory materials that include questions previewing major topics and classroom vignettes that provide additional connections to chapter content-Provides an advance organizer for students, as well as potential material instructors may wish to include in class activities or exams. Vignettes can also be used as miniature case studies for extension activities. Many chapters provide multidisciplinary Perspectives from professionals in special education and related fields- Provide additional materials that instructors may use to prompt extension activities, including group discussions, research, or student presentations.Four in-depth case studies are provided that interrelate with chapter content. Each case focuses on a specific age group from early childhood to secondary education and a different cluster of diagnostic features-End-of-chapter questions provide multiple opportunities for students to interact with the material in the case studies, applying knowledge and skills in a simulated setting.Each chapter concludes with a Check your Understanding section that includes 10 questions over chapter content in multiple choice, true/false and short answer format, as well as several suggestions for extension activities-Instructors may use these materials for formative or summative assessment, or as the basis for classroom application assignments.