Strategic Management Concepts & Cases

F. David
Strategic Management Concepts & Cases
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For undergraduate strategic management courses. For professors who want their students to understand the practical application of strategic management, David provides a skills-based, practitioner-oriented focus. For professors who want their students to understand the practical application of strategic management, David provides a skills-based, practitioner-oriented focus.Q. Is it important for your students to understand the practitioner side of strategy rather than a theory/research approach?David meets the AACSB guidelines which support a practitioner approach. Skills that are learned include: developing a vision and mission statement; performing an external audit; conducting an internal assessment; and formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies.Other Key Points of DistinctionQ. Would your students find it helpful to have a strategic-management model that appears in every chapter?David introduces a simple strategic-management model, which is widely used by consultants and companies, in the front cover of the book, and it is subsequently used in each chapter.Q. Do your students struggle with case analysis?After chapter 1 there is a Cohesion Case (Google), which is revisited in every chapter, allowing students to apply the concepts learned to a familiar case. Q. Do you have your students use the internet for assignments or research?
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-13-186949-3, 9780131869493
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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