Strategic Management 10e

F. David
Strategic Management 10e
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For undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Strategic Management. Presenting the most current issues and topics necessary to any strategic management course, this exciting text will be valuable to both students and lecturers, covering both the skills and theories requires to sustain a competitive advantage. Every page has been revamped with the most up-to-date strategic management research and practice, such as Industrial Organisation and Model and First Mover Advantages. These new examples are incorporated throughout the text with practical examples to illustrate them. A wonderful selection of brand new cases include exciting companies, such as Krispy Kreme Dougnuts, who are expanding around the world.Lecturers can also benefit from an online Instructor's Manual and extra resources, such as PowerPoint slides and a TestBank.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-13-127675-8, 9780131276758
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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