Communicating elegance and sophisticationOutstanding letterheads, envelopes, and business cards from around theworld - good ideas by the hundredsWhether you're starting your own business or simply trying to stay inbusiness, three paper-based items are absolutely crucial to your company:letterhead, envelopes, and business cards. These items, along with yourlogo, are the pillars of a well-defined corporate identity. Thoughseemingly ephemeral, the subliminal communications value of elegantstationery cannot be overestimated. The best stationery works hard for you,front-loading your corporate or freelance image, and conveying your companyvalues in the most tangible way. Traditionally, many of the world's mostsuccessful companies, whatever their size, have relied heavily onsharply-focused stationery. Whatever your field, these three elements ofcorporate identity are vital for any successful business.This book presents over 200 outstanding stationery projects from companiesall over the world, with a historical and technical essay about the role ofstationery design by Jay Rutherford, Professor for Visual Communication atBauhaus University Weimar. For anyone considering new stationery, or evenan upgrade, Stationery Design Now! provides a plethora of inspiring ideas.