Stalin's Secret Pogrom

Joshua Rubenstein
Stalin's Secret Pogrom
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In the spring and summer of 1952, fifteen Soviet Jews, including five prominent Yiddish writers and poets, were secretly tried and convicted; multiple executions soon followed in the basement of Moscow’s Lubyanka prison. The defendants were falsely charged with treason and espionage because of their involvement in the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, and because of their heartfelt response as Jews to Nazi atrocities on occupied Soviet territory. Stalin had created the committee to rally support for the Soviet Union during World War II, but he then disbanded it after the war as his paranoia mounted about Soviet Jews.

For many years, a host of myths surrounded the case against the committee. Now this book, which presents an abridged version of the long-suppressed transcript of the trial, reveals the Kremlin’s machinery of destruction. Joshua Rubenstein provides annotations about the players and events surrounding the case. In a long introduction, drawing on newly released documents in Moscow archives and on interviews with relatives of the defendants in Israel, Russia, and the United States, Rubenstein also sets the trial in historical and political context and offers a vivid account of Stalin’s anti-Semitic campaign.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-300-10452-3, 9780300104523
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Yale University Press
Stron: 496


Joshua Rubenstein
Urodzony 18 lipca 1949 roku w USA (New Britain, Connecticut)
Joshua Rubenstein jest pisarzem i niezależnym wykładowcą, specjalizującym się w historii Związku Sowieckiego. Absolwent Columbia University, gdzie studiował filologie rosyjską. Autor licznych publikacji prasowych i książek, poświęconych polityce Zwi...

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