SPSS 17.0 Statistical Procedures Companion

SPSS 17.0 Statistical Procedures Companion
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SPSS(R) 17.0: Statistical Procedures Companion contains tips, warnings, and examples that will help you take advantage of SPSS to better analyze data. This book contains a basic review of the underlying statistical concepts, with an emphasis on the practice of analyzing data. Ideal for both new and experienced users, this companion offers suggestions and strategies for handling the issues that arise when analyzing data. SPSS 17.0: Statistical Procedures Companion covers all the statistical procedures in the Base system, the Regression Models, and Advanced Models modules. This book also contains introductory chapters on using the software, creating and cleaning data files, testing hypotheses, and describing data.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-321-62141-2, 9780321621412
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Prentice Hall

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