Small Animal Internal Medicine

Richard William Nelson
Small Animal Internal Medicine
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This book focuses on the clinically relevant aspects of the most commonly encountered internal medical problems confronting practicing veterinarians. The book has been hailed for its emphasis on diagnostic approaches to clinical signs, diagnostics techniques, general therapeutics, and synopses of important disorders. It teaches students and practitioners critical thinking and decision-making skills rather than merely offering a "laundry list" of disorders.The book contains 98 chapters in 13 sections. The first 10 sections cover specific disorders by system, while the last two sections pertain to oncology, hematology and immunology, and infectious diseases. Each section is developed by one author, which promotes consistency. Each section begins with discussions on clinical signs related to the respective organ system followed by diagnostic techniques and appropriate treatment.The extensive use of color illustrations, tables, and algorithms sets this book apart from others in the field. The book is liberally illustrated and contains hundreds of summary tables and boxes on clinical signs, causes, drug information, and other treatment modalities. The four-color format provides visual appeal and clarifies the different types of tables.Problem-oriented approach Each section begins with discussion of clinical signs, promoting assessment and diagnostic skills; this approach simulates what veterinarians deal with in practiceDrug tables Comprehensive tables at end of each section provide recommended dosages and indications for a variety of agentsAlgorithms Promote decision-making skills based on clinical findingsProcedures Clear, step-by-step procedures are highlighted in text Contributors Each contributor is a recognized expert in their respective internal medicine specialty; small number overall provides consistency and reduces anecdotal presentations seen in large multiauthored works Cross-referencing Reduces redundancySummary boxes and tables Hundreds of tables and boxes, color-coded to indicate type of table, provide quick access to key information on signs, etiology, differential diagnosis, and treatmentFour-color format Enhances visual appeal and is used functionally in tables and boxes to highlight key informationInfectious Disease Section on infectious diseases reflects prevalence and need for prevention as well as treatment for an array of problemsIndex and TOC An excellent, comprehensive index includes individual problems and symptoms; table of contents is detailedPediatric and geriatric content Consistent integration of pediatric and geriatric content where appropriateToxicology Integration of toxicology links exposure to noxious products with a variety of systems disorders
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-323-01724-4, 9780323017244
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Mosby
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