Simplified Diet Manual

Andrea K. Maher
Simplified Diet Manual
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Hospitals and long-term care facilities in every state and many foreign countries use the Simplified Diet Manual to assist them in planning nutritious, appealing, and cost-effective meals that are modified to meet the dietary requirements with special health needs. While reflecting the dynamic nature of the field of nutrition, the Tenth Edition of the Simplified Diet Manual retains its basic purpose: providing easy-to-understand, fundamental nutrition guidelines for normal and therapeutic diets. The concise, user-friendly format of this useful resource helps dietitians and foodservice managers succeed in their vital role in maintaining nutritional health and well-being of clients in long-term care facilities, hospitals, and outpatient service centers. Changes to the Tenth Edition of the Simplified Diet Manual are many and include: Revision of the Guidelines for Diet Planning based on Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 and USDA's MyPyramid Update on Meeting Nutritional Needs of Older People, referencing the American Dietetic Association's position: Liberalization of the Diet Prescription for Older Adults Inclusion of National Dysphagia Diet tables ( 2003, American Dietetic Association) Inclusion of study guide questions at the end of each chapter for training foodservice employees in health care facilities that are served by a registered dietitian or dietary consultant.
Data wydania: 2007-01-23
ISBN: 978-0-8138-1878-8, 9780813818788
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons
Kategoria: Medycyna
Stron: 213


Andrea K. Maher Andrea K. Maher, R.D., L.D. serves as clinical dietitian for Select Specialty Hospital of the Quad Cities, Davenport, Iowa, the first long-term acute care hospital in Iowa, and as consultant dietitian for Eagle Point Nursing and Rehab, Clinton, Iowa...

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