Dan Burstein
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Mary Magdalene was a key figure in Christ's life. She was present at hisCrucifixion and she was also the first person to see him resurrected.According to Dan Brown's multi-million selling THE DA VINCI CODE, she wasalso his wife and the mother of his children. In the Gospels, she isdescribed as an outcast and a harlot. This may be due to the disciples'jealousy of Jesus' love for Mary and the closeness of his relationshipwith her that was not replicated in his relationships with them. In SECRETS OF MARY MAGDALENE, Dan Burstein explodes the myths andanalyses who Mary Magdalene was, the true nature of her relationship withChrist and her role in the Christian faith. Did Mary write her own Gospel? If so, what did it say? Where did she comefrom? Was she Jewish? How did she live? So many questions exist about thislady, Google can find mention of her on 1,740,000 sites in 0.3 seconds.This book will find the answers.
ISBN: 978-0-7528-8146-1, 9780752881461
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Orion Books

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