Saving Noah

Kaci Rose
7 /10
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Saving Noah
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7 /10
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Can a scarred heart learn to love again?

My unit was attacked, leaving every soldier with the option to fight our way out or die. I was one of the lucky few that made it—but not without battle scars. Half my body is scorched and blistered, the pain is unbearable. I can’t imagine anyone will want to look at me, much less be with me, after this... until I meet Lexi. She came to visit her brother and stayed when she realized I have no one. Now, all that gets me through the anguish of treatments and physical therapies is the chance to see her beautiful smile again.


After fighting for their country, no soldier should have to suffer the painful healing alone. Yet that’s not what brings me back to Noah day after day. He’s helping me work through the grief of losing my husband. But the day of his release is fast approaching. Our feelings for each other are undeniable. Will what’s between us last outside the hospital walls? Or will the emotional and physical scars we both carry destroy our chance at a fresh start?

Data wydania: 2021-06-02
ISBN: 978-1-954409-11-8, 9781954409118
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: 5 Little Roses Publishing
dodana przez: saskia9

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7 /10
Przeczytane 👉2024 Po angielsku☀️ Kindle🌟 Życie nie jest romansem, ale💋

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