This book describes the basic, pathophysiologic, and clinical importance of the reciprocal relationships and interactions between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, examining mechanical responses caused by lung volume and thoracic pressure. Emphasizes humoral and neurophysical interactions occurring in diseases that lead to cardiorespiratory failure. Covering pulmonary mechanics, respiratory muscle function, exercise physiology, and control of venous return and cardiac output, Respiratory-Circulatory Interactions in Health and Diseasefocuses on mechanisms of heart failure in respiratory diseasedetails the central interactions in sudden infant death syndromeconsiders the control of tissue metabolism, the development of the sympathetic nervous system, mathematical modeling, and image analysis as a tool for investigating cardiocirculatory functionexamines the effects of muscle reflexes on respiration and circulationanalyzes systemic inflammatory response and chronic obstructive lung diseasediscusses respiratory maneuvers to support failing circulation and ventilationaddresses current controversies surrounding the balloon-tipped catheter debates using inhaled nitrous oxide to treat circulatory failure and more!