Resource Recovery & Recycling from Metallurgic Wastes

S. Rao
Resource Recovery & Recycling from Metallurgic Wastes
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Resource recovery and recycling from millions of tons of wastes produced from industrial activities is a continuing challenge for environmental engineers and researchers. Demand for conservation of resources, reduction in the quantity of waste and sustainable development with environmental control has been growing in every part of the world. "Waste Processing and Recycling in Mineral and Metallurgical Industries" brings together the currently used techniques of waste processing and recycling, their applications with practical examples and economic potentials of the processes. Emphasis is on resource recovery by appropriate treatment and techniques. Material on the subject is scattered in waste management and environmental related journals, conference volumes and government departmental technical reports. This work serves as a source book of information and as an educational technical reference for practicing scientists and engineers, as well as for students. It describes the currently used and potential techniques for the recovery of valuable resources from mineral and metallurgical wastes. It discusses the applications to specific kinds of wastes with examples from current practices, as well as the economics of the processes. It presents recent and emerging technologies of potentials in metal recycling and by-product utilization.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-08-045131-2, 9780080451312
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pergamon Press

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