Recycled Home

Bailey Sally, Bailey Mark
Recycled Home
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Discover the potential of rescued objects with "Recycled Home". In thisbeautiful book, Mark and Sally Bailey share their passion for the simpleand well-made things in life. The look they love is stripped back, focusingon the integrity of the materials and surface quality - perhaps chippedpaint showing the layers beneath, combinations of rough textures with cleanlines or old materials with stainless steel or concrete. The book beginswith the Elements of the Baileys' style. Here they demonstrate keycomponents, including Textures, Storage, Walls & Floors, Lighting andDisplay. A section on Rooms shows how well the look can work throughout thehome, including offices and children's rooms.
ISBN: 978-1-84597-451-0, 9781845974510
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: RYLAND PETERS

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