Principles & d Interpretation of Chest X-rays

P. A. Mahesh
Principles & d Interpretation of Chest X-rays
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Expertise in chest radiology is a must for all clinicians, however little attention is paid to the teaching of this subject. It is difficult to understand chest radiology as one has to make an inference from a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional structure. This book fulfils the need of postgraduate students, internists and pulmonary medicine specialists, and is also simple enough for graduate students who want to understand and learn to interpret chest x-rays. Both normal and abnormal x-rays are discussed as well as diseases of the airways, lung parenchyma including pulmonary interstitium, mediastinum, pleura and the chest. A brief quiz at the beginning and end of each section helps stimulate the reader and confirm understanding of the principles. Contents: Introduction to chest x-ray diagnosis Clinical interpretation of chest x-rays Chest x-rays and the heart (analysing the cardiac shadow)
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-905740-07-9, 9781905740079
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Anshan Ltd

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