Constant enhancement in your product and production -- that's what you have to be all about if you want to have a prayer of competing in today's highly skilled and efficient marketplace. Capability Maturity Model-Integrated® (CMMI®) is the new look of process improvement ideas that result from the merger of systems engineering and software engineering processes with the Capability Maturity Model® (CMM®). Practitioners working with CMMI® are finding out that it's good to have help. This outstanding book by Tim Kasse is a thoroughly indispensable guide to capturing the essence of each of the process areas by presenting them in a practical context without the technical structure of CMMI® masking the valuable nuggets of information.Kasse begins by providing you with some of the more critical vocabulary that is used throughout CMMI® plus some ideas of the roles and responsibilities of management and practitioners. He illustrates the evolutionary differences between the CMM® for software and CMMI® and focuses on the inclusive topics of project management. Then he presents the recursive nature of the total requirements gathering and analysis process from identifying stakeholders to deriving and validating requirements at all stages. Next, Kasse presents the concepts and guidelines that CMMI® has to offer on establishing criteria and selecting product component solutions.Kasse also presents CMMI® process areas of product integration, verification, and validation as a 'mathematical triple.' He describes the organizational components necessary to establish and keep your business on a path of continuous process improvement and shows you how to build an organizational training program. What's more, he explains how to build and manage integrated teams and makes the case for applying the principles of both the staged and continuous representations of CMMI® in supporting an organization's process improvement initiative.