Power and Interdependence

Nye Joseph S., Robert O. Keohane
Power and Interdependence
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“The most important insight that might help us explain the dynamic of the current world order lie in the concept of interdependence, pioneered and systematically explored by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye in Power and Interdependence, the classic work of international relations theory you are about to read....Keohane and Nye took these assorted ideas and put forward a powerful, coherent theory, operating at the level of the international system, and thus with great explanatory power.”–Fareed Zakaria  
Data wydania: 2011
ISBN: 978-0-205-08291-9, 9780205082919
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pearson
Seria: Longman Classics
Stron: 368

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