Political Communication Reader

Ralph M. Negrine, James Stanyer
Political Communication Reader
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Gathering together key writings and many single-authored essays in to a handy one-volume resource, this is the only Reader currently available on political communication. The selected texts and articles have been included for their significant contribution to our understanding of the issues under considerations, are grouped into thematic sections, each introduced by the editors, and the contributors cover such areas as: the exercise of power, media and democracy the media and elections media effects political participation and the media the personalization of politics new technologies and the reshaping of political communication. Available as a companion Reader to Brian McNair's Introduction to Political Communication textbook, students will find The Political Communication Reader a valuable resource in this popular subject area.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-415-35936-8, 9780415359368
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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