A young woman enters a building in a nameless contemporary European city.She walks into a waiting room where a dozen other people, with briefcasesor sheaves of documents, are waiting patiently. Shortly afterwards she isrequested to go into another room where she meets Albert Einstein who isengaged in trying to figure out the equation that explains the universe.He is charmed by her, and agrees to answer her questions. He seems very used to receiving visitors. Among them, Isaac Newton iscertainly the most regular and the most argumentative, desperately tryingto prove Einstein wrong. Einstein and the student discuss his theories as well as hisresponsibility for the creation of nuclear weapons. He also talks abouthis personal life, the difficulties of fame, and how his dreams ofworldwide peace were shattered. He appears bright, witty, hugelysympathetic but also tormented and dreamy. This is a remarkable book that makes complex concepts of physics andphilosophy accessible to the non-scientific reader in a captivating andutterly charming manner.