Chris Lefteri
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From plastics with the strength and durability of metal to mass-producedskins, sensuous plastics, and rental DVDs that expire 48 hours after you'veopened the packaging, Plastics 2 offers a fascinating insight into the mostinnovative and unusual plastics for designers and manufacturers throughoutthe world. This book gets under the skin of products and materials toreveal the hidden qualities of plastics, and explores some of the materialsthat surround us today, and those that will surround us tomorrow, togetherwith their practical applications. So if you want to know who is makingwhat, from contemporary designer materials to tomorrow's everyday products,Plastics 2 features facts and applications for dozens of new plasticproducts and materials, key properties of each material featured, plusinvaluable Web contact addresses. The sixth volume in the respected'Materials for Inspirational Design' series, Plastics 2 will both inspireand amaze.
ISBN: 978-2-940361-06-9, 9782940361069
Wydawnictwo: Rotovision

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