Offshoring Information Technology

Aryeh Carmel
Offshoring Information Technology
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The decision to source software development to an overseas firm (offshoring) is looked at frequently in simple economic terms - it's cheaper, and skilled labor is easier to find. In practice, however, offshoring is fraught with difficulties. As well as the considerable challenge of controlling projects at a distance, there are differences in culture, language, business methods, politics, and many other issues to contend with. Nevertheless, as many firms have discovered, the benefits of getting it right are too great to ignore. This book explains everything you need to know to put offshoring into practice, avoid the pitfalls, and develop effective working relationships. It covers a comprehensive range of the important offshoring issues: from ROI to strategy, from SLA to culture, from country comparisons to provider marketing. Written for CTOs, CIOs, consultants, and other IT executives, this book is also an excellent introduction to sourcing for business students. • Covers broad range of offshore topics • Uses real-life examples for illustration • Clearly written avoiding business jargon
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-521-84355-3, 9780521843553
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press

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