Nursing Diagnosis

Lynda Carpenito
Nursing Diagnosis
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Revised to incorporate the latest NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses, the Eleventh Edition of this classic text offers definitive guidance on key elements of nursing diagnosis and its application to clinical practice. Section 1 thoroughly explains the role of nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section 2 is a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses. Section 3 focuses on collaborative problems. This edition lists associated NIC (Nursing Interventions Classifications) and NOC (Nursing Outcomes Classifications) for every NANDA diagnosis. New diagnoses added and modified in accordance with the latest NANDA meeting are in an appendix for easy access. FEATURES: * Focus Assessment Criteria, which highlight pointed areas for nurses to consider when assessing for each diagnosis, have been streamlined to essential content for quick reference. More detailed Assessment review will be posted on the accompanying Connection Web Site. * Collaborative Problem section (section 3) shows how to integrate nursing care and diagnosis with the efforts of other healthcare professionals for optimum care of the client. * Author's Notes are designed to provide insight on various diagnoses based on Carpenito-Moyet's 20+ years of experience. * Key Concepts and Interventions are grouped according to specific population: (older adult, child, maternal, community). * Goals (formerly Outcome Criteria) help readers relate nursing interventions to desired outcomes and provide concrete, measurable client and family behaviors to evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions. * Inside front and back covers list a Nursing Diagnosis Index. * Icons delineate considerations for specific populations (e.g. Maternal, Geriatric, Pediatric.)
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-7817-6131-4, 9780781761314
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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