Novel Techniques for Imaging the Heart

M. Di Carli
Novel Techniques for Imaging the Heart
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This book brings the recent dramatic changes in the field of cardiovascular imaging into the clinical setting to enable the clinician to best use the technology at hand. Novel Techniques for Imaging the Heart opens with three chapters reviewing the general considerations and fundamentals of imaging, followed by a series of chapters that address clinical applications of CT and CMR, including: critical review of imaging approaches for diagnosis and prognosis of CAD evaluating the patient with new onset heart failure evaluating the patient before non-cardiac surgery evaluating the patient before interventional electrophysiology novel assessment of vascular flow and valvular disease relative merits of CTA and MRA for coronary artery imaging. The final section deals with advanced applications of CT and MR imaging, considers technical advances and future prospects of high field MRI, and concludes with a chapter on image-guided cardiac interventions. The book includes a companion CD-ROM with a searchable database of figures from the book and 40 video clips fully referenced in the text.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4051-7533-3, 9781405175333
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Blackwell Science

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