Creative fun with puppets for little hands! Get out your glue, your sticky tape, your old boxes, and your paints - it's time for My Puppet Art Class! Make a fluttery Bella the Butterfly, slithery Sidney Snake, or Mr Sparks - a magic wizard puppet that disappears! Author Nellie Shepherd generates a passion to make and create. With Nellie's art there are no rules, except: Be positive and do your best. Never say you can't, because you can! And if your project doesn't look like ours, or anyone else's that's brilliant - it's yours! Here is art that inspires individuality and fantasy, allowing every young child's personality to shine through. With this beautiful collection of books from Nellie, you can relax, improvise, have fun, and have a go! The engaging natural photography shows children in an actual art class really making the projects and the fun they are having shines off the pages. Creative projects for the very young, all thoroughly toddler tested! Simple instructions and a practical, flexible approach Uses materials that can be found in the home